We hope you enjoy reading about our adventures in South America and seeing
our photos. We suggest that you read the logs in order, starting with the
Quito Log and browse through the
photo galleries after reading each log.
We used the following camera equipment during our trip:
- Tom:
- Canon EOS 5D digital camera body
- 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 lens
- 24-105mm f/4 lens
- 50mm f/1.4 lens
- Cathy:
- Canon EOS 30D digital camera body
- 75-300mm f/4-5.6 lens
- 17-85mm f/4-5.6 lens
- Underwater:
We shared lenses a bit, but typically each used our own longest telephoto
lens. Tom's camera has a full-frame CCD, but Cathy's camera has a CCD
that's smaller than the film area of a typical SLR (as is typical for consumer-level
digital SLR camera bodies). Because of this, Cathy's camera has the effect of
multiplying focal length by 1.6. This means that photos taken with a 300mm lens
on Cathy's camera are equivalent to a film camera using a 480mm lens.
©1996-2025 Tom and Cathy Saxton. You may not copy or reproduce any content from this site without our consent.