Little Palm Island

Little Palm Island is a 5-acre island in the Florida Keys. It's a 20-minute boat ride from Little Torch Key, at mile marker 28.5. The island consists of 14 duplex bungalows, a beach, a pool, a restaurant, three docks, lots of palm trees, and a regular symphony of tropical birds.

Photo of Little Palm Island


The two guys who run the beach, Rich and Mike, have adopted a Royal Tern named George. George appeared on the beach a couple of months ago with an injured wing, nearly starved, too exhausted to even walk. Rich and Mike nursed him back to health. He's now back to good health and can fly again. Although he does spend some time hanging out with his fellow Royal Terns, he spends most of his time helping Rich and Mike maintain the beach. Whenever there's work to do, he's always there to supervise. Everyone who spends any time on the beach gets to know George, partly because he tends to patrol the beach, and partly because he gets fed live shrimp several times a day. George is a very fussy eater, he will only eat live shrimp.

Photo of George

More Tropical Birds

Below are some photos we took of some of the local birds.

Photo of a Blue Heron

A Blue Heron.

Photo of a White Egret

A White Egret.

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